Friday, January 4, 2008

For your Information...

The world’s biggest open air ice rink was opened yesterday. Its 3400 square feet and cost 1.5 million dollars. Here is the goofy part, it was built in Mexico City.

Hold up, Mexico City? Now I'm not an expert on Mexico City, but as far as I know its pretty much impoverished. I looked up the average income of someone living in Mexico City and I found That if you were living in the city you would be making 300-400 dollars a month, this means $3,600 - $4,800 a year! I have no idea how true these stats are, but still why on earth did they spend money on something as goofy as a giant skating rink, when there are people in this city who don't even have enough money to eat? How do you justify that? Our people cant even afford to eat, but hey, they can ICE SKATE! I don't know I just thought it was random, and I felt that I should let the readers of this blog know whats going on. Oh wait, no one reads this...



Korey said...

In 2005, it ranked as the eighth richest urban agglomeration GDP in the world. Wikipedia says.
I don't know what that means but it sounds like they are pretty well off, I'm not saying this excuses their behaviour cause I'm sure there are people in Mexico City that could really use the money. Anyway, just something to think about.

Jesse said...

That is a good point, maybe they are better off then I thought. I wonder if the gap between the rich and the poor is huge or something. Who knows? I guess the biggest thing I was confused on is why they would build an ice rink of all things ya know? It just seems a little bit ridiculous in the grand scheme of things. Maybe it’s a ploy to cut down on illegal immigration. Maybe they thought the reason they were leaving Mexico was because they didn't have adequate room to ice skate!

Ya I am guessing that is not it... hmmmm.....