Friday, April 15, 2011


So, I have accomplished one of my life long dreams. I finally own a scooter.

The awesome thing is that it is actually pretty vintage. It is not a new scooter designed to look retro its a legit older scooter. Its a 1981 Honda Passport C70.

I am pretty stoked about it. I put gas in it about 4 weeks ago and I still haven't filled it back up. Of course I only drive it around the camp, but still it's gonna last me quite a while.

I also have enjoyed working on it. Since owning it I have replaced the foot break for the back wheel and also fixed the idle. Right now I am in the process of painting it black. It's a fun project to work on because everything I am doing is just making it better, but it still runs this whole time.

Well That's about it for now. I hope life is treating everyone nicely.

to life

1 comment:

Flathead45 said...

You realize that the Passport is a "gateway" motorcycle, right? Next a crazy uncle in law or two will be telling you about this "great deal" on a Harley Rapido. Before long, you'll be stumbling out of the garage realizing that you missed the last three meals, and your wife will be telling you you smell like 50 weight motor oil.

Prrbably bett to take up golf! ;<)