Monday, March 17, 2008

If God wanted us to know, then I’m pretty sure He would have told us...

What if science proved God is not real? Would there be any Christians left?

This question has been kinda bugging me lately. I feel that we have put way to much faith in our own reasoning, and not enough in God. Some people -mostly Christians- mix science, faith, God and everything else all into one big lump sum. I do not feel that this is the best why to go about discerning what to believe. God is my life, and everything in my life is going to revert back to Him. I just feel that people try to use science as a way to prove or disprove the reality of God. This is not only wrong, but in the end it does not help anything.

I have heard from Non-Christians over and over that Christians are close minded people, and as sad as it sounds, I would tend to agree. One of the reasons I say this is because of the way that some Christians present their beliefs on the beginning of the world. My beliefs on the creation of the world have absolutely nothing to do with science. They are faith based, which according to a reliable source means, “Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.” (Thanks for the clarification!). Science - I am more accurately speaking of geology- offers a view point on the beginnings of the world based on a system of testing hypothesis. I am taking a geology class right now at UNM and I am learning all sorts of things about how they date rocks. To tell you the truth the process of dating rocks is the one of the least interesting things I have ever learned about. My professor is going though this testing process in a very detailed way, and I could take a few hours and fill you in, but it is terribly boring, so I won’t. Just believe me when I say that it is very complicated and confusing.

Over the few years I have been alive I have seen books, heard talks and seen videos debating the validity of this research; all of which are from a Christian/”scientific” perspective. A number of these sources end up using the bible, flaky science and logic to defend God. I think what some people have forgotten is that you can not use science to prove or disprove Christianity. That is not the motivation of science. I do not know where I stand on the earth being 27 billion years old or whatever; I wasn’t there. I guess I just don’t feel that it is my place to tell anyone they are wrong for thinking this. Everyone has there reasons for what they believe, if they did not they would change them.

When did Christianity become about proving people wrong? My walk with Jesus is about my relationship with Him, and doing my best to love other people. It is very simple. I do have a very deep, well thought out stance on these issues, but they are only means to deepen my relationship with Jesus. Of course people outside of Christianity have to try and answer the question of “where did all of this come from?” It is only natural, God instilled in all of us the desire to discover and ask questions. I have an answer to my questions, and it is God. I think it would be foolish to assume that people who do not believe in God would not try to answer their questions by using things they feel they understand. My Geology professor has spent his entire adult life exploring the system of carbon dating; he knows it inside and out. The reason he likes this science it that it answers questions for him. Not only would it be pointless to try and prove his life work wrong, it would go against treating other people how I would like to be treated. I do not want to sit and have an argument with someone who is trying to prove to me that my beliefs are wrong, why should I expect someone else to?

I guess the point of all this rambling is this. I am tired of hearing people fight over things that there isn’t verifiable evidence for. If God wanted us to know I think he would have told us, but he didn’t. He gave us free will. If there were scientific proof for God then we wouldn’t need faith. We get so wrapped up in try to prove people wrong, which goes against everything Jesus came to this earth and died for, that we forget what God is about. To tell you the truth it makes me sick.

We go around judging people for thinking that the world came from a “big bang”.

We laugh at the Theory of Evolution.

We wonder how anyone could be so incompetent to think the earth is 59 billion years old (or whatever age people say it is).

We have to stop trying to prove God is here. He is here, I feel him. If science proved or disproved His existence I would still believe, because I feel Him move. I hear His heart beat. I see His beauty. I do not need scientific proof that He is here, and real. We also need to start loving people. I am pretty sure the bible does not have one story about how Jesus talked went to the scientist and proved him wrong, but it does have an overwhelming number of stories of him loving people. So maybe He wanted to tell us to stop worrying about stuff that doesn’t mater. Just love people, and love God.

I don’t know if all of this makes sense, I just had to get it out. Please comment, think about, and figure out where you stand on all this. I do not have all the answers, and there isn’t anything wrong with exploring. I just don’t think God is not about fighting, so that is not what I want to be about.

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