Sunday, March 30, 2008

Today is. . .

Today is March 30, 2008

on March 30, 1282 The people of Palermo massacred 2,000 French residents in the Sicilian Vespers, a revolt against the Angevin king Charels I.

We had a missionary come speak to us from Palermo, which is on the island of Sicily, named Jessica Morris.

Paul the Apostle stopped by the city of Syracuse, which is on the island of Sicily, on his fourth mission journey.

Eric's dad's name is Paul.

Eric is my room mate.

My bed is comfy.

I am going to go to bed.


Unknown said...

And I went to school with Jessica's brother, Andrew Morris!

Korey said...

No way! That is pretty cool. I know a guy named Shawn that lives in Abq!

Jesse said...

Now way! I know a Shawn in Abq and he plays the Bass.